Mundigi donates uniform for Sunday school children, preaches unity BY CANDLE NEWS KENYA Former Embu Senatorial aspirant Alexander Mundigi last Sunday donated uniforms to ACK All Saints Njarange Church Sunday school’s dancing troupe. He had made the promise during Embu Speaker Josiah Thiriku’s homecoming party a year ago. Rev Joseph Fundi received the 60 uniforms and blessed Mundigi for the contribution. Mundigi advised Embu Governor Martin Wambora and local ward representatives to drop their current hard stances and reconcile for the sake of the county’s growth. The Governor and the County Assembly have been engaged in a standoff that paralysed revenue collection last month after MCAs passed a motion to stop charging of county levies to protest against Wambora’s appointment of two chief officers. However, Wambora obtained a court injunction that enabled resumption of revenue collection, and on Jamhuri Day publicly reprimanded MCAs for “interfering...
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Angry Wambora tells MCAs to stick to their mandate BY WHITNEY NYAWIRA Embu Governor Martin Wambora yesterday lost his temper and took a swipe at the area MCAs for what he termed as interference in running the affairs of the executive arm of the devolved unit. Citing various cases of intimidation of senior’s officers by MCA’s in the County, Wambora told the MCA’s to stick to the mandate of representation, oversight and legislation and allow the Executive and him ample time to deliver his campaign pledges to the people. “For the last 8 years, I have only had one year of peace to perform my duties, the rest of the time has been spent in courts as the ward representatives pushed their selfish agenda to destabilize the executive, this should end. The law is very clear on the roles two arms of the county government. We cannot continue with wrangles at the expense of development” the governor said. In November, Embu ward representatives took to the streets cal...
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Imposing Mbeere ACK Cathedral enriches beauty of Siakago town BY WHITNEY NYAWIRA The newly constructed ACK Diocese of Mbeere, St Peter’s Cathedral has not only solved sitting space challenges but also enriched the beauty of Siakago town. The imposing 3,000 sitting capacity Cathedral is an architectural marvel while its finishing oozes finesse and splendor. The building that served as the Cathedral before it had a sitting capacity of only 300 and could hardly accommodate Diocesan services, according to church documents. The new ultramodern Cathedral took five years to complete at a cost of Sh55 million financed through generous giving by Christians and friends of the church. Thousands of Christians turned up for the historic opening, dedication and consecration of the Cathedral on Sunday. All the church’s parishes convened at the Cathedral. The service led by ACK Archbishop Rev Jackson Ole Sapit assisted by Diocese of Mbeere Bishop Rev Moses Masamba and graced by Deput...
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Groups plant 3,000 trees to conserve Embu river The Kenya School of Government (KSG) joined hands with the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and residents of Mbuvori location in Embu County to conserve Thambana River. The initiative saw the groups plant over 3, 000 indigenous and exotic trees along the river course to mitigate climate change in the region, which borders the Mt Kenya forest water tower. KSG Director General Dr Ludeki Chweya said they planted plenty of bamboo trees since it is suitable in the area. He said by rehabilitating and conserving the riverine areas through tree planting the aim is for the regions to receive adequate rainfall that would support the Big Four agenda of food security. “We have started by planting trees in the upper wet regions of Embu. We will plant trees in the dry lower regions of Eastern in the next rainy season. We appeal to all citizens to take up call to plant trees and mitigate against desertification,” he said. C...
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Groups wants politicians to keep off fresh subdivision of scheme land BY REPORTER A section of residents has reawakened calls to divide afresh the disputed Mwea settlement scheme in Mbeere South Embu-county. The Nyangi Ndiiriri cultural group wants the National government to exclude politicians in demarcating and allocating the 44,000 acre scheme land for the exercise succeed. The group led by their chairman Andrew Ireri accused politicians of using the scheme distribution issue as a campaign tool to bag votes in the process scuttling its fair distribution. In 2016, the Embu County Government in conjunction with the National Land Commission subdivided the land and issued 7,232 title deeds but many residents claimed they were left out. Attempts to resettle the beneficiaries turned bloody and it was called off. The Nyangi elders want President Uhuru Kenyatta to intervene and have the land distributed to the deserving beneficiaries. To minimise unfairness in...
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Walk raises money to build home for HIV positive children BY KAMUNDIA MURIITHI Pupils from primary schools near Embu town joined adults in a 10km walk to raise funds for the construction of a home for orphaned and abandoned HIV positive children. The walk also purposed at fighting stigma and discrimination against HIV positive people . Toto Love Children Home which has for 13 years provided an abode for neglected children and those living with HIV plans to relocate to bigger premises to accommodate more children. The home organised the Saturday walk which culminated in a fundraiser at St Paul’s Cathedral Grounds. The Founder, Ruth Ndwiga said the 17 kids under their care live in a rented three-bedroom house at Spring Valley Estate. Two house mothers and two volunteers from Germany also live in the same house. Ms Ndwiga said they are unable to take in more children due to constraint of facilities yet they get requests to accommodate more kids. The Kenya HIV...
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University of Embu plans to have lecturers acquire PHD FILEX MURIITHI FROM RIGHT: Gen. Sec. Church Army Africa Rev. Capt. Dr. Danson Kihwaga, Mbeere ACK Bishop Moses Masamba, UoE VC Daniel Mugendi and Rev. Dr. Robinson Kariuki, principal Kabaare College The University of Embu (UoEm) has laid out plans to ensure all her lecturers acquire a PHD within the shortest time possible, the vice chancellor has said. This is in the move to comply with the Commission for University Education (CUE) that all lecturers must acquire a PHD degree by October this year for them to qualify to teach in universities. “Acquiring a PHD is a process. As a university, we have a plan to ensure our lecturers acquire it very soon as they continue to teach. Our aim is that every lecturer in our institution will attain a PHD at the long and we have a road map and a process to make sure we achieve this soon,” said Prof. Daniel Mugendi. Speaking during the annual Diocese of Mbeere ACK church...